Get Any Of Our Hosting Service TOTALLY FREE
All what you need to do, just like our Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/pages/DoHost/161544320609459 , and share it with your friends, for each new unique friend* who like our page you will get 1% discount for one month on any of our Hosting or Domain registration services**.
This offer is available till the next Monday December 17th, 2012.
Open a sales ticket or email our sales with your Facebook account URL and your friends URLs.
- The friend must be a real unique person who has at least 30 other friends, and has some personal photos in his profile, may your friends add our facebook profile, http://www.facebook.com/john.dohost , as a friend to their friends if their information isn't public to validate their identity.
** The Offer is available for any of our Hosting or Domain sevice except control panels licenses, Windows hosting, windows VPS and Kansas VPS.
DoHost Team
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