Hi, I need a 32mb VPS with a provider that supports PPTP so I can watch Netflix while traveling. East coast preferred, but not absolutely necessary.
SecureDragon worked perfectly up till a week ago (they even have a template for PPTP and all), but now they keep blocking my VPS because of outgoing DOS attacks due to some MTU issue (My VPS's MTU is too high, so it generates 500-900 Mbps DOS attacks, per the support ticket).
Ipxcore has a 96mb vps for $1/month, so something cheaper than that would be nice.
EDIT: Since this was brought up on IRC:
"<+FreeSpencer> damian you might be getting a DDoSer on your network"
I'M NOT A DDOSER. Clearly I won't keep using the VPS if its causing problems for the network. Geez.