So I was looking at LowEndStock a few weeks back and, unable to help myself, paid for a $10/year 128MB VPS with Micohosting on the 29th of January. That was two weeks ago, and my VPS still shows up as pending in their billing panel. I have called the number, but I have almost always gotten a busy signal. The few times it wasn't a busy signal, the call was rejected on their end (BTW, suspiciously like a Skype number). I have asked them on Twitter what's up, but no response.
As if that wasn't enough, I've saved the best for the last: I have opened two tickets, both of which have been deleted. As in, the billing panel doesn't acknowledge that they ever existed. I'm pretty much sure that they are a complete scam, but I want to know if anyone here has had any experience with them, good or bad. Search here turns up nothing relevant, so I ask. I have started the PayPal dispute process; we'll see how things go from here.