I know, windows.. but I will be using the 2003 edition and only need < 1 gb ram.
I've checked LEB, but most are out of stock and was wondering if anyone here can refer me to a cheap one. Budget is around 5-10$/month.
Why? Because I've tried wine and everything and some parts of the program just don't work, I've posted the error on the WineHQ forum, but the moderator hasn't "Approved" the thread yet. (Which I doubt they will be able to help anyway, the .exe calls a .DLL then errors; it's all f'd up).
I've been looking at Burst's 8$/month 512 in Dallas... but really was hoping for 4-5$ for 512. (I know, I'm picky, but it's just how I am) and I don't want to be running the OS on KVM/etc or whatever, or does it really matter?
Edit: Forgot to add, I need some good upload speed, well not "Good at my price range, but you know; decent..."
Edit2: Looks like the budget will have to be raised...... gosh dam windows is expensive QQ.
Edit3: Only if this was still available, omg! ( http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=957760 )