Additional IPs I got from OVH is different from IP block that my main IP is on. And this is what they want me to configure the additional IP per their help ticket.
auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet static
address IP.Fail.over
broadcast IP.Fail.over
post-up route add Your.Server.IP.254 dev eth0
post-up route add default gw Your.Server.IP.254
post-down route del Your.Server.IP.254 dev eth0
post-down route del default gw Your.Server.IP.254
I was wondering how could I configure that when I am running a KVM and a ISO net install for Ubuntu. They won't allow me to go forward the installation as they said gateway is not reachable and I have no way to set the "post-up" route add.