I'm looking for a web-based task management system for a small team.
I know we had a conversation about this a while ago and tree.io came out looking good, but (1) I'm not sure if tree.io will be around in the future, and (2) tree.io runs its own server on port 8000 (or wherever you tell it) and I was looking for something I could put on typical shared hosting. Also I'd like to access it from work periodically so something that runs on http/s would be better.
What I'm looking for is actually really simple:
- Make a list of tasks
- Under those tasks, subtasks. Probably more more than 1-2 levels deep.
- Flag some subtasks as hot/urgent/etc.
- Tasks/subtasks can have attached notes (usually urls or comments)
- Multi-user
- Ajaxy interface to move tasks around. Not sure what I mean by this but I want to be able to order/reorder/recategorize tasks without some time-consuming see-form-and-click-submit thing.
I have 10-15 big categories of tasks, and about 400-500 tasks spread among them.
We could just use a wiki or a Google docs spreadsheet, but the ability to add notes to tasks would be nice.
This is administrative work, not software development, so bug-trackers/issue-trackers aren't really what I want.