Hello Guys,
I've been working on a new WHMCS module for the last few days. It's basically a WHMCS client side security plugin with the following features:
- Gives WHMCS clients to restrict their client area access with a IP address whitelist. It only allows logging in with the white listed IP addresses.
- Records WHMCS clients' browser name, operating system name, city and ISP (using MaxMind paid API) into the database and creates a browser cookie and matches those distinctive information for the future logins. If the WHMCS client uses a different browser, os or connected in different city or with different ISP, the module sends out an email with a url to click to give access using WHMCS's built in emailing functions.
The hosting company does not need to have a MaxMind account, the module uses a central API located on a 100% uptime guaranteed InterNAP's cloud server which interacts with the MaxMind API directly.
The module is currently done and operational. I'm working on a licencing and billing system which should be done this Monday. I'm also having people beta testing it and making sure everything is working as expected.
When I'm 100% sure everything is working and my licensing system is ready, I'll start renting the module for $5/month.
I'll go ahead and ask your opinions about this project. Is this something you would be interested in as a hosting company or would you like to have this extra security features as a hosting customer?
Here are some screenshots: