I removed a thread before asking for a booter because the user needed to 'DDoS his own /24 to test egi's DDoS protection'. At first, I thought this was a little suspicious and was a cover for malicious reasons but it appears to be something, in my opinion, more shocking.
It seems EGI innocently asked some colocation customers if they'd like to test DDoS protection. Once they had set it up, it appears EGI then asked if it would be possible for the customer to get a DDoS attack to 'see if it works'. As DDoS attacks are illegal within the USA, I find it shocking how EGI are promoting them and are not thinking about the consequences for both them and their user of a DDoS Attack.
I'm sure EGI could of done this themselves locally instead of using their clients as guinea pigs. I wonder if other customers on their network could of been affected.