LET('s) play a game! Anyone from LET can join :)
- A picture of a celebrity or an athlete will be posted. (At any time, so keep an eye.)
- Contestants must then guess who the picture is.
- Contestants must PM me the answer and then reply to the thread with the same answer from the PM sent.
- First PM with the correct answer wins the point. (Please be noted that the PM is what that counts, since thread posts can easily be manipulated by editing it, while a PM cannot be edited. It is best adviced that you PM me the answer first before you reply to this thread because the PM is what that counts.)
- You are only allowed to have one guess and only your first PM will be entertained. So be sure of your answer.
- Hints will be provided whenever i feel so :P
- First 12 pointer will win the contest (see prizes below)
Contestant A replied to the thread: George St. Pierre @ 1:21a.m.
And then quickly PM'd me: George St. Pierre @ 1:22a.m.
Contestant B PM'd me: George St. Pierre @ 1:21a.m.
And then quickly replied to the thread: George St. Pierre @ 1:22a.m.
In this case, it is contestant B who won the point since he was the first one who PM'd me the correct answer, remember that it is the PM that counts whether you won the point or not. However, if the participant who made the first correct PM submission has not made a thread reply 15 mins. upon the PM submission, no point will be given to anybody for the round.
Prizes: https://www.fraphost.com/vpshosting.php
1st Place: 2 Month(s) FHVS Level 2 - (Choose to continue the service by paying or stop)
2nd Place: 1 Month(s) FHVS Level 1 - (Choose to continue the service by paying or stop)
In case of a tie for the 2nd place, a tie breaker will be held.