I want to throw this out there to the LEN as I am in the clouds.
I have become a huge fan of cloud services within the past yr.
Why? Let me count the ways...ONE. That's it, no gimmicks no long speeches, no diatribe. You simply have one point of failure.
I do have a smirk on to see what kind of response that garners. But I have found time and time again that cloud services provide security that can be had in few other ways. What a great thing is peace of mind. As some have noted in the past weeks cloud services have come under scrutiny over that very word. But how nice to know that a properly managed cloud solution affords not only power and standardization, But security security security.
It is my contention that with the cloud there remains 1 point.
Forget scalability, and all the other obvious benefits of cloud.
And that's really why I find myself in the clouds now..in a professional way. I would invite any one who enjoys cloud services to throw there opinion out there.
Also if we don't have it we need a list of Low End Clouders.
I dare say that the cloud is the future of all things Low End.
My theory on cloud storage, points of failure, and the need for LEC