I want to test a VPN setup using IPsec/L2TP + certificate based auth so I need a XEN/KVM vps (or anything which is not para-virtualized like openvz/vserver/lxc). I need it only to see if I can set it up, not actually for usage. (So 1 month max). Location should be in the netherlands.
I have the following specs in mind:
min 5GB HDD (thanks @Asim)
2 IPv4
OS: CentOS/SL/Debian/Ubuntu.
rest does not matter (bw/ipv6 etc).
The only provider I can think of (and the only one which is in the LEB tag netherlands) that does xen is InceptionHosting. If I would go germany, then I'd go for Edis.
So, TL;DR, are there any more providers than mentioned above that do XEN/KVM in the netherlands, and, are the specs enough for the purpose?