Hi everyone,
Just received this to one of my emails, can't have too many domains can we?
NetworkSolutions (75 cents): http://www.networksolutions.com/domain-name-registration/PS-domains.jsp?siteid=8&channelid=P13C8S570N0B9A1D761E0000V121&promo=PCMKT01260&adid=16911560176&gclid=CPLbwKb6iLYCFQbonAodFAMABA&clickid=4221651456
Register.com (50 cents): https://www.register.com/promo/domain-to-website-v2.rcmx?trkID=WWWe01tI2W&gclid=CNa4m_P5iLYCFQexnQod2TQAow
- 3 domains per customer (pretty sure it is 3)
- I would highly recommend using a disposable/not-cared-for email & phone number as these guys and the rest of their cronies will give you hell for the next year. :D
- This is valid til May 10th 2013 so get on it!
.COM .NET .ORG .BIZ .INFO is available
.US is available if you are a US resident