• About Us
South Bend Servers is a Sustainable Data Centers, LLC company. We are a registered LLC in the state of Indiana. South Bend Servers operates out of Colostore, in South Bend, Indiana.
• Our Hardware
- Supermicro Server hardware
- Intel Xeon 1200v2 series processors
- Kingston Unbuffered ECC RAM
- Seagate Drives
- LSI MegaRAID Adapters
• Pictures
• Our Network
Our network (AS12260) consists of Level(3) Communications, Cogent Communications, InterNAP, and UnlimitedNet, LLC. We have implemented a 6in4 network (HE.net Tunnel) to provide IPv6 access to our non-IPv6 network. We operate on a Cisco and Foundry/Brocade-based BGP network. View our Looking Glass
• Operating Systems Available
- Debian 5, 6, 7 - 32bit and 64bit versions
- Debian Turnkey Zencart, OwnCloud, PHPBB, Magento, and LAMP stack
- CentOS 6 - 32bit and 64bit versions
- Fedora 16, 17 - 32bit and 64bit versions
- Ubuntu 12.10 0 32bit and 64bit versions
- Ubuntu 10.04 Turnkey Wordpress
- More available
• Our Offers
- OpenVZ Virtualization
- Self-Managed
- Located in South Bend, IN (Colostore)
- Intel, Supermicro, Kingston, Seagate, LSI Server hardware
- Virtualizor Panel (Integrated into WHMCS)
- LET Exclusive Offers
- 7-day money back guarantee
- Weekly Rsync Offsite backups of all customer data
LEB1 —
- 512MB DDR3 RAM
- 512MB vSWAP
- 1 vCPU Core
- 75GB RAID10 Disk
- 750GB Transfer
- 1Gbit Port
- 1 IPv4 Address
- *1 IPv6 Address (More available upon request)
- $5.00 Monthly
- Order Now »
LEB2 —
- 1024MB DDR3 RAM
- 1024MB vSWAP
- 2 vCPU Core
- 100GB RAID10 Disk
- 1000GB Transfer
- 1Gbit Port
- 1 IPv4 Address
- *1 IPv6 Address (More available upon request)
- $7.00 Monthly
- Order Now »
• Resources
- IPv4 Test IP:
- IPv6 Test IP: 2001:470:1f10:569::2
- 100MB Test File
- 1000MB Test File
- LowEndPing Test Results
- Terms Of Service
- Acceptable Use Policy
- (Basic) Privacy Policy
- TL;DR version: Anything illegal in the United States is NOT allowed, we ask that you do not host IRCs, anything ToR related. Minecraft and other gameservers are allowed. Private VPNs/Proxys are allowed. No open proxy services.
• Contact Us
- Email: zach@sustainabledatacenters.com
- Twitter: @sustainabledata
- Website: http://southbendvps.com/contact.php
- PO Box:
SAINT JOHN IN 46373-9998
P.O. Box # 403
• Feedback/Reviews
After running a few tests (ping / testfile download), through out the day, over a couple days -- I've picked up a VPS from SouthBendServers, and man is the network smokin' at that location!!! Thanks for all the info, I'm so upset with the 4ms backhaul to Chicago, but I'll live... :P
mini review from my testing of SouthBendVPS: provider who cares about server security +1 good network speeds: +1 security: Zach was the first provider (out of the many I use) to update the kernel on his nodes after last week's Linux kernel 0 day exploit became known. network speeds: I was surprised that ColoStore/South Bend has network speeds and ping times that equal or exceed many datacenters in Chicago. uptime/performance, etc: no problems during my 1st week of testing (i.e. no outages, no periods where the server slows to a crawl, no packetloss, no negatives to report). TL:DR: this is a positive review
• IOPing Results
4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=1 time=0.1 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=2 time=0.1 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=3 time=0.2 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=4 time=0.1 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=5 time=0.1 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=6 time=0.1 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=7 time=0.1 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=8 time=0.2 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=9 time=0.1 ms 4096 bytes from . (ext4 /dev/sda1): request=10 time=0.1 ms --- . (ext4 /dev/sda1) ioping statistics --- 10 requests completed in 9002.5 ms, 7353 iops, 28.7 mb/s min/avg/max/mdev = 0.1/0.1/0.2/0.0 ms
- IPv6 Addresses will be assigned manually after deployment of your server