jsDelivr is a free CDN (Content Delivery Network) where any web developer can host their files, including CSS, fonts, JavaScript, jQuery plugins, etc.
jsDelivr is a public open-source CDN where anyone can submit a project to be hosted and delivered by our network. Most people probably know that Google hosts jQuery and a few other popular libraries.
We don’t look at the popularity of the project to approve it for inclusion in jsDelivr. Plus a lot more types of projects are allowed, like CSS frameworks, fonts, WordPress plugins etc.
And by using GitHub, we allow the community to fully interact with jsDelivr by adding and updating files.
Currently jsDelivr is sponsored by:
- NetDNA - Unlimited traffic and SSL
- CDN.NET - Traffic and SSL
- Cedexis - Load balancing services.
- UserVoice - Unlimited plan of their product
Its been around from June of 2012 and is getting more popular every month. Currently serves around 2TB of traffic per month.
What we are looking for
CDNs - Min Requirements: At least 500GB of monthly traffic. Custom CNAME. Custom CNAME SSL. Pull Zone.
- Hosting companies that resell major CDN providers (except from OnApp and NetDNA)
- Hosting companies that have their own CDN networks.
POPs - Min Requirements: 20GB HDD, 500GB Bandwidth, 512MB RAM
- VPS servers with good network speed and uptime. Must be in a location we do not already have. Refer to network map. (Portugal and Italy would be great! Any other location we do not have will be awesome as well)
- Dedicated servers with good network speed. Any location will do.
- Specialized file storage services with FTP or Rsync access. Must support Custom CNAME and SSL.
- All POP locations will be used to serve static content. Nginx+SSL will be installed. We do not expect big CPU loads.
- The traffic is load balanced by intelligent software that will monitor all POPs for performance and uptime.
- Web services to integrate our CDN.
- Companies to help us promote our services.
- Developers/companies that want to utilize our CDN for their (non-profit)projects.
What we can offer
- About page link
- Logo in footer
- POP location on Map with name of the company
- Media mentions - Current Media/Mentions/Links
- We will consider any other request
*We wont offer all of the above to all sponsors, it depends on the offer.
Thank you