I've had an issue with one of my sites recently where users where having poor download speeds. My initial investigations lead me to packetloss on the host node, however after having this resolved I'm still seeing (imho) pretty dismal speeds for a box on a shared gig port.
I've been moved to another node but still see similar issues. I've done a fresh install and still see poor results - I've got vps on shared 100mb ports that give better network performance.
The host has been reasonably helpful, but i still think there is either an underlying issue or its just over saturated. Equally I may be expecting too much.
Could I get some idea's of what kind of speeds people are seeing on shared 1Gb ports and with what providers.
For reference I'm getting:
Testing download speed........................................ Download: 20.21 Mbit/s Testing upload speed.................................................. Upload: 2.28 Mbit/s
On other boxes I'm getting 600Mb+ downloads and 150+ up.