So Google apps just turned paid only from their open beta. Here are two workarounds (which still work as of posting this) to get access to the free edition. There is no guarantee on how long this will work , or how many users can be created with this account , get the cake when its still hot :)
Method 1
For this workaround you need a free Google account (
*Go to Google Apps Engine (, sign-in with your Google Account and create a new Application. You can use dummy data from creating the application. *After creation of the application go to “Dashboard” and click the link that says “Application Settings.” *Under that choose “Add Domain” to associate a domain with your App Engine application.
That’s it, you will get a special link to sign-up for the free edition of Google Apps. You can either use your existing domain or buy one through Google Apps.
Method 2
For this one to work you will need an existing app account.
The trick here is to add a new domain under your existing Google Apps account. Yes you will be needing an existing Google Apps account for this to work, under your account click on the ‘Domain settings‘ tab and click on ‘Domain names‘ link to add another domain to the account. Make sure you add the domain as “Add another domain“, verify the domain, that’s it. This new domain will work as independent to your primary domain. This workaround will be best if you have to add a new business domain under your main company account.