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[ServerCrate] $6.95/128mb Semi-Annually | RAID SSDs | E3 CPUs | DDOS Protected IPs | Internal IPs


Robert here, bringing you another fantastic LET deal. These servers are great for IRC bouncers, DNS, and other light-weight tasks, but also run well in a variety of other tasks, being powered by fast LSI RAID 10 arrays, and Intel E3v2 CPUs. All VPSs are deployed in Dallas, in either the CoreXChange, Equinix and or Telx datacenters. Servers are equipped with redundant networking and redundant power. We recently introduced new networking addons, including internal IPs, and DDOS-protected IPs.

128MB Deal
128MB RAM + 128MB VSwap
500GB bandwidth @ 1Gbp/s
3GB RAID 10 SSD space
1 E3v2 core (fair use)
1 IPv4 address
16 IPv6 addresses
Price: $6.95/semi-annually | Buy Now


Additional IPv4 addresses are $1/IPv4. Additional bandwidth is $5/TB.

Test IPs/100mb test file/Looking glass http://lg.servercrate.com/

Operating Systems

Customers can change their VPS operating system in the control panel. We support a variety of popular Linux OSs including CentOS, Ubuntu, and Fedora.

Control Panel

ServerCrate utilizes the SolusVM control panel.

Internal IPs

Internal IP addresses are available for your VPS for internal server-to-server communication. If you're interested in getting internal IPs assigned to your VPS, please open a ticket, and we will add it to your server for free.


Our new DDOS-protected IPs are now available for an additional $3/mo with any VPS plan with ServerCrate. DDOS protection is done through CNServers. Keep in mind, protected IPs require manual setup.

Payment Methods

You can pay for your hosting service with Paypal, and now, bitcoins.

Thank you for looking, you can find our regular offerings on our site.

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