I am thinking of starting up a LEB hosting company to get myself some experience and possibly make a tiny amount of money whilst at it. I have a friend who is willing to pay for all the costs of running the business up until it can pay for itself, if ever. I am just wondering if anyone would actually be interested in ordering a server and thus whether or not there is much point in me making the company at all. Seeing as I'm not exactly experienced with VPS hosting (I have hosted / sold gameservers before but that is much easier I presume as you only really need 1 IP address and TCAdmin is really easy to setup and use with WHMCS) and don't care all that much about profit the prices would be pretty cheap, I'll calculate the costs so that I can make a small profit with enough sales however for the most part I'm just doing this for long-term experience.
tl;dr thinking of setting up small leb hosting company, have little experience with VPS hosting, want to get to know the ropes of hosting VPS's, I have funding for this, is this a good or bad idea?