Every time CrazyDomains has a sale someone posts a thread about it here (and there are always several complaints about CrazyDomains practices) so I thought this notice from auDA (they control the .au domain) might be of interest.
Further breaches of Registrar Agreement by Crazy Domains In June 2013, [auDA issued a formal Notice of Breach to accredited registrar Crazy Domains Pty Ltd](http://www.auda.org.au/news-archive/auda-11062013/), regarding conduct that auDA believed was likely to mislead consumers and was in contravention of the .au Domain Name Suppliers’ Code of Practice (2004-04) and the Australian Consumer Law. Since then, auDA has been investigating a number of other possible breaches by Crazy Domains Pty Ltd of its Registrar Agreement. As a result of these investigations, auDA has determined that Crazy Domains Pty Ltd has breached its obligations under the Registrar Agreement: to comply with all applicable law (in particular the Australian Consumer Law) to comply with the .au Domain Name Suppliers' Code of Practice; and to act in good faith in its dealings with auDA. auDA has required Crazy Domains Pty Ltd to sign a formal Deed of Undertaking which sets out a number of actions that it must take to rectify its breaches of the Registrar Agreement, including: publish a corrective notice on the website at www.crazydomains.com.au and ensure that the Terms and Conditions of service on the website identify the correct supplier send corrective notices and invoices to all consumers who have registered or renewed .au domain names with Crazy Domains Pty Ltd as the registrar of record since 8 December 2011 at its own cost, engage an independent registered company auditor to audit Crazy Domains Pty Ltd’s compliance for a period of 2 years. For more information [click here](http://www.auda.org.au/news/crazydomains/).