Just curious to know if anyone here thinks there is a potential market in very cheap dedicated servers. I know anything dubbed "cheap" here is a good thing, but I'm curious to know what others think.
I am interested in starting to offer low end dedicated servers in Chicago. We already have premium E3 dedicated servers on offer. Here is a rough outline of what I was messing with: http://d.pr/i/oZQ3
Let me know what your thoughts, if any. Prices shown in that link may or may not fluctuate a tiny bit, but the hardware will remain as shown.
Yes, it is 4 year old hardware, but they're not the always-questionable ebay junk. The hardware is refurbished from a tech friend at HP. All hard drives and power supplies on each server would be brand new for reliability.
There may also be some RTO agreements available for some of this hardware. Yes, there are other bandwidth and storage options available that you can configure when ordering.
Lastly, there would be a 12 hour provisioning guarantee and others that I won't yet reveal.