A few days ago, we discovered that the internal security of our offices in Roubaix had been compromised...
During the internal investigation into the security incident, we have discovered that hackers have probably gained privileged access for two actions: - Recover the database of our customers in Europe - Gain access to the installation server system in Quebec
The European customer database includes personal customer information such as: surname, first name, nic, address, city, country, telephone, fax and encrypted password....
An email will be sent today to all our customers explaining the security incident and inviting them to change their password. Information on credit cards have not been consulted or copied. Today we do not store this on our infrastructure....
On the Quebec server system installation, the risk we have identified is that if the client had not withdrawn our SSH server key, the hacker could connect from your system and retrieve the password stored in the .p file....
full announcement: http://status.ovh.co.uk/?do=details&id=5070