Due to popular demand and after many weeks of development, we are offering VPN based backends for X4B. We are currently looking for beta testers for it.
How it works:
You connect your server via an IPSec + L2TP VPN. This gives you an internal IP you can bind your servers to (or bind to INADDR_ANY/ if you dont care).
We handle the port forwards from the ddos protected IP to this private backend, and you can have multiple backends per public IP (Destination Nat / Port Forwards)
Its been designed for protecting windows game servers, that need to have full encapsulation (for preservation of connecting IP). And this had to be developed since Windows doesn't support GRE or IP/IP tunnels.
It should work on Windows Server 2003, and it has been internally tested on Server 2008, Windows 7 and 8. We are primarily looking for people who are running Game Servers on Windows, but PM me if you want to try it on a different OS.
Looking for testers to test for roughly a week. If we don't get enough of a turn out we might extend it to longer. We should be ready to begin by Fri/Sat. All testers will be given a free months service for their time (1TB plan or lower). We should have all servers tested by then (all DDoS protected servers), however I reserve the right to restrict choices if too many people choose the same server.
Expressions of interest via PM or in this thread. Thanks.
Note: This is not a forward VPN. You cant browse the internet through it, its a reverse VPN (for lack of a better description) that allows you to DDoS protect a server through a VPN tunnel.