You may recall we gave away over 200 free virtual servers back in May. They are still running, and still free:
[root@vps3 ~]# vzlist | wc -l
We are now giving away 120 more free virtual servers via a raffle.
To enter the contest: Signup for a free VPN account at Castle VPN using this link: https://portal.castlevpn.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=1
That's it! You will automatically be entered in the drawing for 120 Free VPS's.
- Each signup has about 1 in 9 chance of winning a Free VPS.
- You can cancel or close your account at Castle VPN and still be eligible for the drawing.
- The drawing will be held when Castle VPN receives 1000 signups.
- Winners of a Free VPS will be notified via the email address registered at Castle VPN.
Free VPS Specs: IPs: 2, RAM: 128MB, VSWAP: 128MB, CPU Speed: ~400Mhz, Network Speed per host: ~8Mbps, Virtualization: OpenVZ, Location: USA, West Coast, 1Gbps.