I saw a lot of great status scripts here which show the HDD, Ram Load etc. usage but you always need a webserver on the master and remote servers. That's why I searched for a php solution where I only need 1 master server which pings my VPS and shows me if they are on or offline (it refreshs the page every 5 seconds). I'm not good at HTML/CSS/PHP so the script looks like sh*t, but maybe someone would like to make a design for the script? Anyway the script works great.
1) Download http://www.file-upload.net/download-7872650/status.zip.html
2) Preview http://i.imagebanana.com/img/pyf2ssjr/20130723_134037.png
3) Configuration Just look in the file and read my comments :)
As I said, it would be really nice if somebody could make a design for it :)