Hey everyone!
I've discovered some awesome (and some not-so-awesome) hosting providers through this site, as well as some other awesome services like NodePing and Uptime Robot, and I wanted to announce my own service here.
Scratching my own itch, I've been building Server Check.in over the past six months now, and I thought it would be a good time to introduce it to this community—it's a very low cost website/server monitoring service. It has all the basic features (HTTP check, content check, ping check, email/SMS notifications, latency graphs), it costs $1.25/month for the normal plan, and it sends out actual SMS messages (no cheap email-to-SMS gateways) so you can set a special text tone for when your site's down and you need to wake up—stat!
I really like (and use) other monitoring services for certain sites, and would definitely recommend something like Pingdom or one of the 'big names' for complex monitoring scenarios, but these services are often cumbersome and expensive. Thus, Server Check.in.
I hope you like it—sign up with the coupon code LET13INTRO to get 20% off (that's $1/month for the first year!). Coupon expires on 8/30/13.
Please let me know what you think of the service, and what I could do to make it better for you.