The government in the Netherlands will be introducing a law that forces suspects of a "child porn or terrorism case" to provide the decryption keys for any encrypted data they possess, similar to the decryption law in the United Kingdom.
"Een verdachte die zich zo heeft ingespannen om zijn activiteiten voor de buitenwereld te verhullen, moet rekening houden met de inzet van zwaardere middelen door de overheid om de burgers te beschermen", aldus Opstelten.
"A suspect that has gone to such ends to hide his activities to the outside world, should take into account the use of heavier investigation methods by the government to protect civilians", according to Opstelten
Sounds a lot like "you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide", doesn't it?
Everyone who still believes "the Netherlands is much more liberal than other countries" after reading this, you're fooling yourself. I fucking told you so.