We are proud to announce the VPSNodeBox repository for EL6 based linux distributions - CentOS 6, Scientific Linux 6 and of course the original, RedHat Enterprise Linux 6. This repository is aimed mostly at other providers, but also at customers and folks who wish to run Enterprise Linux 6 but want more up-to-date packages.
What this repository provides (as of now):
- PHP 5.3.19 (php53) - 32 & 64 bit (includes php-fpm and php-litespeed)
- PHP 5.4.9 (php54) - 32 & 64 bit (includes php-fpm and php-litespeed)
- Additional modules for PHP 5.3.19 and PHP 5.4 including IonCube Loader packages - 32 & 64 bit
- MySQL 5.5 (mysql55) - 32 & 64 bit
- Xen 4.2.0 (xen) - 64 bit only
- Libvirt 1.0.0 with Xen support (libvirt) - 64 bit only
- Bridge Utils 1.5 (bridge-utils-15) - 64 bit only
- Kernel Xen 3.6.7 (kernel-xen) - 64 bit only
Packages have new names so that if you install our repository and run a "yum update" the regular CentOS packages won't be overwritten. For example if you want to install our MySQL 5.5 you will need to first remove the CentOS supplied MySQL packages, and the run "yum install mysql55-server mysql55-client". Same applies for PHP and Bridge Utils. Packages that don't exist on CentOS, like Kernel Xen or Xen don't have a special naming convention.
All packages are digitally signed.
Repository: http://repo.vpsnodebox.com
You can install it by running: yum install http://repo.vpsnodebox.com/vpsnodebox-repo-1.0-1.vnb.el6.noarch.rpm
Packages are well tested. That being said, these packages are provided as a service to the community and don't come with any kind of warranty, implied or otherwise.