Best Linux OS for 128MB RAM swap 256mb?
Hi kLEBS, What should be the best linux OS (and also version) for 128MB RAM swap 256mb VPS server. Is GNOME desktop still possible with this memory? Ubuntu or CentOS? Thanks. newbie here
View ArticleOne more hack... this time its
One more hack this week. And this time its Just recieved an email from them. On the 22nd of July 2013, it was discovered that unauthorized access to our website and database has been...
View Article10 Alpha Testers for OpenVZ Control Panel
I will be providing 1GB Ram 40GB Disk Currently Unmetered Bandwidth (Not coded into panel) 2 CPU Cores Will require the control panel to be tested as well as possible for vulnerabilities and...
View ArticleReal-Time Filesystem Replication
I have two VPSes in two different states. I'd like to setup filesystem replication (one way). One method would be to run rsync on a regular basis, or even continuously via script, but that seems kind...
View ArticleSuggestion
Hi Folks, Just wondering what people think of the idea of having a member of the month poll like we do for hosts, perhaps the reward is that instead of just saying member next to your name it says MOTM...
View ArticleDDOS?
Lets say I need to load test a website of a client (with written permission of course) and we've used loadimpact and such, but want to know if we can resist a "real" ddos. How would I accomplish this,...
View ArticlePromotion Oppurtinity for Providers
Hey guys. In a few days this year's Speed Awareness Month is starting. I think this will be a great opportunity for small providers to promote their companies and work. Last year SAM got LOTS of...
View ArticleBurstnet Manchester
Would anybody happen to have a contact for somebody who can deal with a colocation deal in Burstnet Manchester UK? The reason I'm picking them over some other companies is that they offer a CiscoGuard...
View Article[US/EU] ::Free DirectAdmin :1GB SSD VPS @ $3.50/month : 1Gbit Port
PieLayer began in early-2012 offering premium game servers without the premium price. Since then we have expanded our range of services to include virtual servers. We accept payments through PayPal....
View ArticleIn the market for a new Laptop
I have had a Lenovo Thinkpad T420 for probably around two years. Last November (2012) I began having power issues. Lenovo sent me a new battery (for free) and that solved the issue for a few months....
View Article[] Offers from our USA location! Starting at $3.37/month :)
Introducing our VPS packages hosted in USA. NOW WITH MORE CPU! INCLUDING AN EXCLUSIVE PROMOTION CODE FOR LET COMMUNITY! With the latest SolusVM version. You are able to use vSWAP and tun/tap is...
View Article[Domain]
This domain is with namecheap.. Start - $1 Reserve - $1 Min Increment Payments via Paypal Namecheap, free push to winner.... any transfer charge in other domain provider you have to pay Ends on :-...
View ArticleAvoid SpamHaus
TL;DR: Avoid using SpamHaus at all costs. They can blacklist without reason, they won't delist you. Full: Avoid using SpamHaus at all costs. Here are the reasons why. Their listing policy states: SBL...
View ArticleHyperVM is in the hospital
Generic-sounding News Agency; 11:50 PM HyperVM was found laying in the street tonight, brutally stabbed. It was rushed to the nearest hospital where the doctors miraculously revived him. Doctors have...
View ArticleDetermining Swapping on OpenVZ
The guides on LowEndBox ( no longer work, due to usr_beancounters being messed up. Is there any reliable way to determine swap on...
View ArticleShare your top 10 linux commands
As seen on HN, run $ history | awk '{CMD[$2]++;count++;}END { for (a in CMD)print CMD[a] " " CMD[a]/count*100 "% " a;}' | grep -v "./" | column -c3 -s " " -t | sort -nr | nl | head -n10 to get your 10...
View ArticleLowEndantiDDoS services.
I need that to protect game server. Price < 40$; I alredy know about Limestone BuyVM Other providers what was presented here on lowend. DDoS protection will be used not regularry. It's some...
View ArticleWheezy repository
Welcome to the wheezy repository! EU (hosted in Italy): deb wheezy main dns irc ssh www US (probably is not updated right now, wait 1 or 2 days): deb...
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