I almost fell of my chair laughing when I read the message I pasted underneath.
Some clarification first, I used to be a happy customer of GVH but after they switched servers my WHMCS stopped working. They couldn't get it to work. They said go ask WHMCS, they will help you. But it was and is clear that it had to be something with the new server, my WHMCS install was a backup from the working site. During trying to get things working I noticed that my cpanel password was not working anymore, so I asked the helpdesk to change it, since I thought I used a wrong password. They said they did and test it, but it didn't work. So I asked for a printscreen showing that they really could log in (mind you this was all over the course of 2 hours). Still no luck for me, no access to cpanel and my accounting (WHMCS) and helpdesk not running at all. I got more and more frustrated, not with them but with the whole situation. There was no way the helpdesk person could get me in my cpanel. Then I remembered the lockout thingy if you mess with the login. So I asked them if there was an ip lock, and sure enough 30 seconds later I could login. I was not happy with this so called helpdesk person. I stated my thoughts in a very clear manner, never swore at them but at the situation.
Then I got an e-mail that per user agreement abuse towards the staff is not tolerated. I replied that I never abused any of his staff, only was frustrated about the whole thing and that it was justified in such a situation when you are 'helped' by a clown of a helpdesk person to call a non-functioning-server a 'fucking server'. That is about the extent of me being abusing them.....
I canceled my , a year paid for in advance, server immediatly. My thoughts were that they must be a bunch of wankers who know shit about support and setup of machines.
Here is what it has costed me in time: the move took far longer then they said it would take, so I waited for half a day WHMCS would not run, the pingpong with the 'helpdesk' took a total of 2 days !!!! I had to find another home for my project, could not negotiate a good deal because I was in such a hurry.
Then I got this:
Attention all clients on srv2,
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to put this.
There has been an inode corruption on srv2 which means that srv2 can no longer be used. This was caused by a malfunction of SolusVM and a misunderstanding of one of our network administrators. We are working to retreive backups from srv2 and restore the data onto a new server which will be srv3. This process will likely take a while, and we are working as hard as we can to get this done as efficiently and as quickly as possible to resume production. As a result of this, everyone on srv2 will receive credit on their account for next month.
During this difficult time we humbly ask for your patience and cooperation in getting through this migration.
Updates will be sent as soon as possible
Thank You, - GreenValueHost
And then there is a thing I think would be handled best by the bureau of better business, part of the initial deal was that they provided me with a real ssl certificate. That was missing from the new server, and it would not come back either. I asked for a solution, they just flat out refused.
But anyway, I mailed them I am canceling the server, then their response was that I could not get a refund and that they terminate me at the end of the month for violating the User agreement. I have a $5 credit in my account, they never said anything about that, I guess their WHMCS was fucked up too at that time ;)
Well I can tell you I am FUCKING RELIEVED I canceled and am using another WHMCS host. I feel so sorry for all the people that are left at GVH, in the hands of incapable wankers.
Another twist lmao
It seems that even writing a status report about an ongoing situation is too difficult for them. Because an hour later this came in the mail.
Valued Clients,
It has come to our attention that our previous email has been vaguely formatted and was not clear enough to illustrate the situation at hand and we apologize.
Please allow to make a few clarifications to clear up any confusion that may have arisen from our previous email entitled "srv2 Inode Corruption"
All of the data from srv2 is currently being generated into a backup file in .tar format and the backup file will be restored onto a new server. After the backup is restored onto the new server, we will perform some checks to make sure that everything has been restored correctly and we will then send an email to all clients affected by this to let them know of the completion of the migration. In addition, the email will include new login information such as the new login URLs, nameservers, and nameserver IP addresses.
The estimated time of completion for this is within a few hours, however at most we expect this to be completed early tomorrow morning (Eastern Standard Time).
We will continue to monitor the status of the backup restoration and send updates on this as frequently as possible to keep everyone updated on the progress of the migration/data restoration.
If anyone has any questions regarding this, please do not hestitate to let us know by logging into your client area (which can be accessed here: https://secure.greenvaluehost.com/clientarea.php) and submitting a ticket.
Thank You all for your continued patience, cooperation, and understanding.
Best of Regards,
(English is not my native language, be kind to me. This feels good, the frustration about this 'host' is almost over)