Seedbox Script (uTorrent and FTP)
Yesterday I felt like putting together a simple script to give back to the LEB community. It all started when I decided to make a seedbox from an extra low end vps I had. After looking at countless...
View ArticleExpertVM - Singapore: More Stock for OpenVZ
ExpertVM is a provider of cheap VPS in Singapore. As a subsidiary of SecureAX Internet, ExpertVM enjoys the robust and reliable network infrastructure and technical capability that SecureAX Internet...
View ArticleIPv6 in the world It is still painfully slow... I mean, on that map 0.6% is considered good !!! Still only a few countries qualify... I am happy to see romania leads by far with 11%...
View ArticleHave absolutely no idea about Maxmind (buying a box from miniVPS)
I was trying to purchase a £2 OpenVZ box from, sitting right in my home in the UK, with the precise address and name, and on no proxy or anything else at all. Chose Paypal and pressed...
View ArticleSSH Key Transfer (GUI)
I decided to start moving some old code of mine onto GitHub. This might be useful for some people managing large numbers of servers via Windows. I don't know of any software (other than Puppet...
View Article"ntpd consumes some more resources"
And that is why we run rdate from time to time manually .... Comments please ;D and just for clarification this is a response I received to an enquiry
View ArticleSolusVM WHMCS Module from ModulesGarden
So I JUST got access to this from ModulesGarden. Still somewhat incomplete, and I don't have access (yet) to the Reseller or the Cloud Module portion of this (that should be later in the week...
View ArticleHIgh availability MySQL host
Hi guys, I am looking for MySQL hosting, anybody knows good host that do MySQL hosting. I am looking for high availability hosts. I already have MySQL server but I'm looking for a better high...
View ArticleGreenValueHost, a sort of review
I almost fell of my chair laughing when I read the message I pasted underneath. Some clarification first, I used to be a happy customer of GVH but after they switched servers my WHMCS stopped working....
View ArticleSimpleNode SuperKVM Sale. 1GB KVM $7 Dallas
To celebrate the expansion of our KVM infrastructure, we're offering a limited time deal called "SuperKVM" for our KVM services. These will be available for ~2 weeks or until stock runs out. The Deal...
View ArticleSelf Hosted Billing Platform
Does anyone have any experience with any self hosted invoicing/billing platforms. I currently use freshbooks but I would like to host it on my own domain and have more options similar to whmcs. What...
View ArticleX4B - DDoS Protection [Recurring 40% OFF]
About Us Started in 2010, completed beta testing and registered in 2013 in Victoria, Australia. We specialize in providing effective DDoS proxy solutions at an affordable rate. The Offer We are...
View ArticleLooking for unmetered VPS
Any one can offer me the following can leave me offer or pm Requirement: 128mb ram 1gb hdd 10mbps unmetered or higher tun/ppp for vpn any location would do monthly/yearly Cheap offers preferred =)
View ArticleTRANSFER: BuyVM 128MB VPS - Next Due Date: 01/20/2014
As said in the thread, selling off a spare VPS. Paid until 01/20/2014. PM me Price: 7$ / 7 months 10 days. Payment: Paypal. Thanks a lot! Screenshot: BuyVM transfer...
View Article[Versatile IT][Phoenix] 128MB RAM | 128MB vSwap | 500GB Bandwidth @ 1Gbps |...
Hey everyone! All Phoenix plans include: 4 Cores (Fair share) Gigabit port access As many IPv6 addresses as you want! (4 by default) SolusVM/OpenVZ 22 OS templates to choose from! RAID 10 Protected HDD...
View ArticleChicago ddos protected VPS w/ GRE
Anybody know of anyone out of Chicago that could do this?
View ArticleRequest for speed test
Hi Everyone, I would kindly ask you guys to perform a speed test from the following link and post the location, the uplink speed of the vps, provider and the test result.
So Guys; Just wanted to vent my anger into a few sentences, so I am in the middle of moving about 400GB from Volumedrive to another provider the issue is... they have a saturated port... so I can't...
View ArticleAny way to ask Nginx to cache everything to RAM?
A friend of mine just gave me a VPS with 128M RAM, but the disk I/O is terrible (dd test <20MB/s). However the network I/O seems ok. So I was thinking about to host some static websites on it. My...
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